Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thankfully, today was a lot less eventful than yesterday, but then again, Sundays typically are. It was cold, and I was still slightly frozen from last night's football game, so I decided to stay in. Both kidlets were surprisingly well behaved, I think they were pretty well worn out from the week.
Dobber and I got to sleep in and have some nice cuddle time this morning! Noodle woke us up about 8 because Willow was in her room (oh, the horror!), so I sent her in to wake Bubba up! Let's just say he was less than thrilled! LOL He put the doggies out in the pen, and we closed our bedroom door and told them both we weren't to be bothered until at least 9:30. We really needed this time together ... just the 2 of us ... no Bubba ... no Noodle ... no Willow ... no Buffy ... just KD and Dobber!
Once we were up and moving, Dobber balanced the checkbook and started some laundry. Contrary to popular belief (my post from yesterday didn't go over very well with him!!!! LOL) he does do quite a bit around the house. That was the deal we made when I re-entered the workforce 3 years ago ... he would have to pick up some slack around here because I wasn't going to do it all ... and he's done rather nicely. We have a good balance, and for the most part, it works well for us. Then, I sent him to Safeway with the list that I made yesterday but was never able to get around to.
I settled in for my lazy day in bed with plenty of homework to keep me company. Two accounting and two English assignments ... I really need to devote more time to my studies during the week. I read the first chapter of my accounting text and got most of the first assignment done when I was interrupted by the phone. It was H and we were having a really nice conversation, so while on the phone, I multi-tasked by browning the sausage, ham and chicken for the jambalaya. By the time I was done with the call, Dobber was home from the store and the meat was almost finished. I cut up my peppers and onions, got everything going in the pot, and left it to simmer on the stove. Dobber had gone to his mom's new house to help move some furniture, the kidlets were coexisting nicely (I'm pretty sure dad threatened them before he left!) in the living room, and I once again retreated to my dorm room!
Somehow, I managed to get everything schoolwork-wise accomplished and even managed to squeak out an A on my accounting exam! I'm so anal when it comes to my grades and I'm hoping ... praying, actually ... that I will be able to maintain my 4.0 this semester. For the first time since I started back (I'm about 3 weeks into my third semester) I've gotten behind, but I think that I'm crawling out. I am really trying ... must be better than SJ ... must do better than SJ ... must have a better GPA than SJ ... nothing like a little sibling rivalry to motivate me!
Dinner was de-lish! Even Bubba loved it! Noodle had chicken nuggets, because, well, it was either that or hotdogs again. I really wish that she would develop a more diversified diet. I'm slowly going broke paying her to try new things, $1 at a time! Another reason why I will be glad football is over ... my passion for cooking is put on the back burner (sorry for the pun!!! LOL) during these busy months! We really do eat really healthy the other eight months every year ... honest! Seriously, don't believe the trash man when he tells you about the three lawn and leaf bags full of fast food wrappers he picks up every week!
I was enjoying some TV time to myself this evening when I heard Dobber open Bubba's bedroom door, close it, and mutter something under his breathe. Apparently, when the boy put Willow out this morning, he put her in the pen, but never bothered to take the leash off of her. So, when Dobber went out in the dark to bring them in, he went to grab for her collar, it wasn't there and she ran off. Guess Bubba will be searching for that first thing in the morning! And thank God that both Buffy and Willow always come back to the front porch after they brief tastes of freedom!
I went to bed once again happy that I was able to put away another chapter in my novel. It's been such a long time since I've read anything non-school or Dr. Seuss related that I'd forgotten how therapeutic that time can be! I'm really enjoying this book, its one that Nana gave me when we were up to visit last week, and I'm looking forward to starting another!